I've been to Curves three times now. It was VERY hard to get out of bed this morning. I almost convinced myself to stay home. But my fat cells aren't going to burn themselves off! So I pulled myself out of the house into the 24 degree freezing air at 6:30 am. And once again, it felt great!
For those of you who aren't familiar with Curves, it is basically a series of hydraulic resistance machines set up in a big circle. There are small square "recovery" mats between each machine. You do 30 seconds of intense repetitions at one machine, then move to the mat for a little cardio/aerobic movement for 30 seconds. Then you go to the next machine. It's 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for all 15 or so machines. You do the whole circuit twice. It takes about 30 minutes total. Because of the quick pace, it is a very tough cardio workout. And at the recovery stations you can make it very intense with jumping and arm movements.
It's especially tough for me because I have no endurance built up yet. I find that during the workout, I occasionally feel light-headed. So I have to ease up a bit and just do really easy jogging-in-place between machines. And luckily, halfway through the circuit, one of the machines has a hand grip that checks your heart rate to make sure you are in a good range. The resistance training part isn't as hard, (except when I'm already out of breath), and I'm not as sore as I expected to be. So, I figure I need to do this every morning to really see results. That's a big commitment. I pray for the strength to do it!
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