Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 18

Yeah! I am feeling SO much better now. And re-motivated to get in shape.

1 cup 1% milk = 2
1 small apple = 1

salad with tomato and cucumber = 0
ranch dressing = 2

3 cups microwave popcorn = 3

OK already!!! I was hoping no one would notice that I hadn't posted dinner yet...he he he. Actually, dinner wasn't was the dessert that followed.

1/4 chicken breast = 1
3/4 cup black beans & salsa = 3
sauteed squash & zucchini = 0

1 cup 1% milk = 2
7 double stuf oreos = 10 (In a moment of weakness, I bought these tonight. I was feeling a little depressed. I'm turning 31 tomorrow!!! Ahhhhh!)

TOTAL = 24 points (wow, not bad considering...)


Sue said...

Okay, now you are depressing me. Don't you actually have to eat some real food? Milk and an apple? I would waste away and die. I am nursing, I guess, but I think I need to eat about 10 times that much...okay, maybe 5 times that much, but still.

Sue said...

Oh, thank goodness, you ate 3 cups of popcorn...I am still depressed!

Sue said...

Please add some more food...the popcorn wasn't enough...I am waiting. It's 11:30...still some time left to eat.

Becky Sharp said...

OK, I finished the post...and it wasn't as horrible as I thought. And Sue, nursing mothers definitely need way more food than I do. But I have to admit, the apple and milk wasn't a very fulfilling breakfast!!!

Sue said...

I LOVE that your dessert was the same amount of points as the rest of the food that day. That sounds like something I would do. I heard a study last year that said if the average American would eat 1 less cookie a day, that the calories would add up to 7 lbs lost in a year, so I think you and I are doing time I will leave the Nilla Wafers on the shelf and maybe I will actually lose weight from running rather than just burning off cookies.

Sue said...

Sorry to blog comment you to death today, but do you remember this song: "Time passess on and on, butterflies fly, making the moment gone, beautiful hours, beconing me to make them mine...the girl I was, the girl I used to be, feelings of love, growing inside of me, Why do I feel funny inside the way I do? I used to dream of things that I could never do, but now I search for a miracle, to make my dream come true, to make my dream come trueee oooooh, sands of time, sifting gently through this heart of mine" Okay, I couldn't stop cause the lyrics were so so so so bad and they never made a point. Do you remember we almost sang this in church. What the heck is it even about? Anyway, had that in my head and had to share.