Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Actually going outside to run

Well, after complaining about the rainy weather and using that as an excuse to use my treadmill, I actually went outside to run today.  It wasn't raining but it was only 45 degrees.  I warmed up enough as I had a couple of layers on.  I walked briskly for 5 minutes and then I alternated jogging for 90 seconds and running for about 2 minutes.  I did 4 reps of that.  I fizzled out at about 70 seconds running the last time, as I was going up a slight hill. I finished by just walking to cool down before coming in. But I feel great and will take a day off too of running, though I might walk.  I also did some easy toning exercises from one of my old WW DVDs.  It is designed for everyone, which means its really easy.  I think I'll increase the hand weights next time I do it.  Probably not for a few weeks, as I have a lot of DVDs and exercise videos to cycle through.  It's good to mix it up and not do the same things over and over again.

1 comment:

Becky Sharp said...

Yeah! Look at you, going outside in the cold to run! That's what I like to hear. :)