Monday, November 14, 2011

Sandy: Week One, Day One

Thanks to Becky's invitation, I will join with her in this journey.  We both, I believe, have already started on our journeys, but it will be great to blog about it.
I have exercised and walked off and on for over 30 years.  I'm sure that Becky remembers me sweating away with Jane Fonda and getting out and walking in our neighborhood while she was growing up.  Walking for exercise was a novelty back then.  I remember one of my neighbors driving by as I was walking and asking me if I wanted a ride home!
Things have really changed, haven't they?  Lots has changed with me.  For one thing I'm 30 years older.  I had bunion surgery on my right foot 2 1/2 years ago and have limited mobility in my big toe on that foot, plus I experience pain with each step as it tries to overcome the scar tissue that is restricting movement.  I have a bit of arthritis in my lower back.  But basically, I can still exercise and run.  I just need to warm up really well before I begin my routine.  I have a 15 minute A.M. Yoga routine that I do most mornings that really helps loosen me up.
I was turned on to the Couch to 5K routine by my son, Brian.  He is an inspiration to the whole family as far as his determination to get and keep in shape.  I had never heard of it before he mentioned it.  I got on the Internet and searched  "Couch to 5K" and was amazed at what popped up.  I printed out the suggested routine, and am on the 2nd weeks suggested jog/walk schedule.  I've been using my treadmill.  I haven't gone outside, but I will need to.  These darn rainy, drizzly, Northwest winters do not lend themselves to running outside.  The natives don't seem to mind the weather, I see people out running in the winter in all sorts of bad weather.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), I'm not a native and don't have webbed feet! (A little Washington humor.)
Ken and I are members of a fitness club but I haven't been faithful in going.  I want to make more trips there also.
I'm a Life Time member of Weight Watchers and attend weekly meetings.  What with surgeries and some other health issues, my weight had crept up and I returned to my meetings in May of 2010.  I have a few more pounds to lose, but my main issue is toning.  As we age, we lose muscle mass and I want to recover what I can.  So those are my goals, lose about 10 pounds and gain lean muscle.  I have some exercise tapes and DVDs that I plan on using in an alternating schedule, along with running on my treadmill.  Wish me  luck and persistence!

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