Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Becky: Day One Report

Yesterday Alivia and I went out for our first run of C25K (aka Couch to 5K). It sounded easy on paper... Basically, it started with a brisk 5 minute walk followed by stretching. Then, for 20 minutes I alternated between 1 minute of jogging and 1.5 minutes walking. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Sixty seconds doesn't sound like very much (until you are jogging uphill pushing a stroller). Nevertheless, I did it! And I felt really great afterward.

Two lessons learned yesterday: First, I need to wear my knee brace. I have patella femoral syndrome that acts up when I exercise a lot. Also, I need to stretch my shins more before and after running. I've been getting shin splints. Boo!

So, today is my day off from running, but I plan on going to Zumba tonight! A little aerobic dancing never hurts! Unless I forget to wear my knee brace...

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Good for you. Keep it up!