Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rainy day, no surprise there!

It's raining today and we're expecting high winds and snow levels are dropping to 900 feet.  Our home is at 440 feet above sea level, so I don't expect we'll get any snow here.

Well, it was back to the treadmill today. It is a manual one and I set the incline at about a 5% grade. I walked for 30 min. at about 3.0 mph. I also did my 15 minute morning Yoga routine and a beginners Pilates program for 30 minutes.  I've been keeping track of WW Points Plus for 3 weeks now, but seem to be stuck in my weight loss.  I'll keep it up though, the weight is bound to shake loose soon.  Maybe exercising has something to do with the scale not moving.  I'll have to keep track of inches lost too.

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