Monday, February 23, 2009

Starting Week 4

Today's Weight: 133 lbs
Lowest Weight So Far was on 2/14: 131 lbs
Lost 5 lbs, then gained 2 lbs back...

I can't say that I have been following the Curves diet perfectly, but I can tell that 1300-1500 calories a day is too much for me. The weight isn't budging. If anything, it is creeping back on. And it's not muscle weight! I am doing resistance training at Curves 3 times/week, but muscle actually takes a long time to build. You won't see 2 lbs of muscle weight gain in one week.

Let's analyze my diet so far:

Week 1: I lost 4 lbs eating 1200 calories/day, exercising every day.

Week 2: I lost 1 more lb. But I got sick with a nasty cold virus during the week. I had no appetite, so ate about 1000 calories/day and didn't exercise. I think I may have sabotaged my metabolism, i.e. my body thought I was starving. What a joke that is! Week 2 was supposed to be when I started eating 1500 calories/day...

Week 3: Gained back 2 lbs while eating 1300-1500 calories/day, exercising every day.

Week 4: Starts today! My new plan is to stop tracking my calories on, since my 1-month trial is almost up anyway. I will count Weight Watcher points, aiming to eat 18-22 points/day. That is about 1000-1200(?) calories/day. And I will alternate exercise every day between Curves strength training and Pilates. My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs.

1/4 cup oatmeal = 1
1/4 cup 1% milk = 1
1/4 cup granola cereal= 2
Sub-total: 4

1 cup Barilla Plus penne pasta = 4
1/8 cup roasted garlic sauce = 0
Sub-total: 4

1/2 slice Amish friendship bread = 2

1/2 hour Curves cardio/strength training = -1

1 cup chili = 6
1/2 oz shredded cheese = 2
2 tbsp light sour cream = 1
Sub-total: 9

TOTAL: 19 - 1 = 18

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